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Owen Williams

Master Signing Naturally Unit 2 with These Homework Answers and Explanations

Signing Naturally Unit 2 Homework Answers

If you are learning American Sign Language (ASL), you might be using the Signing Naturally series as your textbook. This series is designed to help you develop your ASL skills in a natural and interactive way. It covers various topics and situations that you might encounter in your daily life.

Signing Naturally Unit 2 Homework Answersl

One of the units that you will study in this series is Unit 2. This unit focuses on some essential aspects of ASL grammar and vocabulary, such as time concepts, describing people and things, asking for solutions to everyday problems, telling about life events, locating things around the house, and talking about weekend activities.

In this article, we will give you an overview of what you will learn in Unit 2, how to do your homework assignments, where to find answers and explanations for your homework questions, and some frequently asked questions about this unit. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to master Signing Naturally Unit 2.

What You Will Learn in Signing Naturally Unit 2

Unit 2 consists of six lessons (13-18) and a cumulative review. Each lesson introduces a new topic and skill that you will practice through various activities and exercises. Here are the main things that you will learn in each lesson:

Time Concepts

In lesson 13, you will learn how to sign about events that happened in the past, are happening now, or will happen in the future. You will also learn how to use time indicators, such as yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next month, etc., to specify when something occurred or will occur. You will also learn how to use tense markers, such as FINISH or WILL, to indicate the completion or expectation of an action.

Describing People and Things

In lesson 14, you will learn how to use classifiers, adjectives, and contrastive structure to describe people and things. Classifiers are handshapes that represent the shape, size, location, or movement of an object or person. Adjectives are signs that describe the quality, quantity, or condition of an object or person. Contrastive structure is a way of using your body and space to compare and contrast two or more items.

Asking for Solutions to Everyday Problems

In lesson 15, you will learn how to use rhetorical questions and conditional sentences to ask for solutions to everyday problems. Rhetorical questions are questions that you ask yourself or others without expecting an answer. They are used to express your thoughts or feelings about a situation. Conditional sentences are sentences that express a possible outcome or consequence of an action. They are formed by using the sign SUPPOSE or the facial expression "if".

Telling About Life Events

In lesson 16, you will learn how to use temporal aspects and narrative structure to tell about life events. Temporal aspects are signs that indicate how often, how long, or when an action takes place. They are formed by modifying the movement or location of a verb sign. Narrative structure is a way of organizing your story into a beginning, middle, and end. It also involves using transitions, such as FIRST, NEXT, THEN, FINALLY, etc., to connect your sentences.

Locating Things Around the House

In lesson 17, you will learn how to use spatial verbs and locative classifiers to locate things around the house. Spatial verbs are verbs that show the location or movement of an object or person in relation to another object or person. They are formed by changing the direction or angle of a verb sign. Locative classifiers are handshapes that show the location or arrangement of an object or person in space. They are used after a noun sign to give more details about its position.

Talking About Weekend Activities

In lesson 18, you will learn how to use topic-comment structure and role shifting to talk about weekend activities. Topic-comment structure is a way of organizing your sentence into a topic and a comment. The topic is what you are talking about, and the comment is what you say about it. You can use your eyebrows to mark the topic and the comment in your sentence. Role shifting is a way of changing your perspective or point of view when telling a story. You can use your body and eye gaze to indicate who you are talking as or about.

How to Do Signing Naturally Unit 2 Homework

After each lesson, you will have some homework assignments that will help you review and practice what you have learned. These assignments include minidialogues, receptive skills practice, expressive skills practice, vocabulary review and expansion, fingerspelling practice, and cumulative review. Here are some tips and strategies for completing these assignments:


In these assignments, you will watch and answer questions based on short conversations between two or more people. You will need to pay attention to the signs, facial expressions, and body language of the speakers. You will also need to understand the context and purpose of the conversation.

Some tips for doing these assignments are:

  • Watch the whole dialogue once without pausing or rewinding.

  • Try to get the main idea and gist of the conversation.

  • Look at the questions before watching the dialogue again.

  • Pause or rewind as needed to catch the details and answers.

  • Write down your answers in complete sentences.

  • Check your answers with the answer key or a classmate.

Receptive Skills Practice

In these assignments, you will improve your comprehension of ASL signs and grammar by watching various videos and answering questions based on them. You will need to recognize different types of signs, such as nouns, verbs, classifiers, adjectives, etc., and how they are modified or combined to convey meaning. You will also need to identify different grammatical features, such as time concepts, tense markers, rhetorical questions, conditional sentences, temporal aspects, spatial verbs, locative classifiers, topic-comment structure, role shifting, etc., and how they are expressed through facial expressions and body movements.

Some tips for doing these assignments are:

  • Watch the video once without pausing or rewinding.

  • Try to understand the main message and intention of the signer.

  • Look at the questions before watching the video again.

  • Pause or rewind as needed to catch the details and answers.

```html answers in complete sentences.

  • Check your answers with the answer key or a classmate.

Expressive Skills Practice

In these assignments, you will practice your signing skills and get feedback from your instructor or a classmate. You will need to produce various types of signs and sentences, such as describing people and things, asking for solutions to everyday problems, telling about life events, locating things around the house, and talking about weekend activities. You will also need to use appropriate grammar and non-manual signals, such as time concepts, tense markers, rhetorical questions, conditional sentences, temporal aspects, spatial verbs, locative classifiers, topic-comment structure, role shifting, etc.

Some tips for doing these assignments are:

  • Review the vocabulary and grammar of the lesson before signing.

  • Plan what you want to say and how you want to say it.

  • Use a mirror or a video camera to record yourself signing.

  • Watch your signing and check for errors or areas of improvement.

  • Get feedback from your instructor or a classmate and make corrections.

  • Practice until you feel confident and fluent.

Vocabulary Review and Expansion

In these assignments, you will review and learn new signs related to the topics of Unit 2. You will need to recognize and produce different signs for nouns, verbs, classifiers, adjectives, etc. You will also need to learn how to modify or combine these signs to express different meanings. You will also need to learn some cultural information and facts related to the topics.

Some tips for doing these assignments are:

  • Watch the vocabulary videos and repeat the signs after the model.

  • Use flashcards or online tools to review the signs and their meanings.

  • Use the signs in sentences and contexts to reinforce your memory.

  • Learn some synonyms, antonyms, and related words for each sign.

  • Learn some cultural information and facts related to the topics.

Fingerspelling Practice

In these assignments, you will improve your fingerspelling accuracy and speed by watching and reading various words spelled in ASL. You will need to recognize different letters and numbers and how they are combined to form words. You will also need to practice spelling different words yourself.

Some tips for doing these assignments are:

  • Watch the fingerspelling videos and try to read the words as fast as possible.

  • Pause or rewind as needed to catch the letters and words.

  • Write down the words that you read and check them with the answer key or a classmate.

  • Use flashcards or online tools to practice spelling different words yourself.

  • Start with simple and short words and gradually move on to longer and more complex words.

Cumulative Review

In these assignments, you will test your knowledge and skills of Unit 2 concepts by completing various tasks and exercises. You will need to demonstrate your ability to understand and produce different types of signs and sentences related to Unit 2 topics. You will also need to use appropriate grammar and non-manual signals in your signing. You will also need to show your understanding of some cultural information and facts related to the topics.

Some tips for doing these assignments are:

  • Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 2 before taking the review.

  • Read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly.

  • Do your best and don't cheat or look up the answers.

  • Check your answers with the answer key or a classmate and see how you did.

  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly.

Where to Find Signing Naturally Unit 2 Homework Answers

If you are looking for answers and explanations for your Signing Naturally Unit 2 homework questions, you might be wondering where to find them. Unfortunately, there is no official answer key or solution manual for this textbook. However, there are some online sources where you can find some answers and help for your homework. Here are some of them:

  • DawnSignPress: This is the official website of the publisher of Signing Naturally. Here you can find some resources and materials related to the textbook, such as videos, PowerPoint slides, and sample pages. You can also contact the customer service or the authors if you have any questions or feedback about the textbook.

  • AnswerKeyFinder: This is a website that provides free access to various answer keys and solution manuals for different textbooks and subjects. Here you can find some answers and explanations for Signing Naturally Unit 2 homework questions. However, these answers are not verified or endorsed by the publisher or the authors, so use them at your own risk.

  • YouTube: This is a video-sharing platform where you can find various videos related to Signing Naturally Unit 2. Here you can watch some examples, tutorials, and demonstrations of how to sign and understand different signs and sentences related to Unit 2 topics. You can also find some videos of students or teachers doing their homework assignments and explaining their answers.

  • Quizlet: This is an online learning tool where you can create and study flashcards, games, and quizzes. Here you can find some flashcards and quizzes related to Signing Naturally Unit 2 vocabulary and grammar. You can also create your own flashcards and quizzes to practice and test yourself.


Signing Naturally Unit 2 is an important unit that will help you develop your ASL skills in a natural and interactive way. It covers various topics and situations that you might encounter in your daily life, such as time concepts, describing people and things, asking for solutions to everyday problems, telling about life events, locating things around the house, and talking about weekend activities. It also introduces some essential aspects of ASL grammar and vocabulary, such as classifiers, adjectives, contrastive structure, rhetorical questions, conditional sentences, temporal aspects, spatial verbs, locative classifiers, topic-comment structure, role shifting, etc.

In this article, we gave you an overview of what you will learn in Unit 2, how to do your homework assignments, where to find answers and explanations for your homework questions, and some frequently asked questions about this unit. We hope that this article was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments about Signing Naturally Unit 2 homework answers, feel free to leave them below.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Signing Naturally Unit 2 homework answers:

  • How long does it take to complete Signing Naturally Unit 2?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on your pace and schedule. However, a general estimate is that it takes about 10-12 hours to complete Unit 2, including the lessons and the homework assignments.

  • How can I get better at Signing Naturally Unit 2?

The best way to get better at Signing Naturally Unit 2 is to practice regularly and consistently. You should review the vocabulary and grammar of each lesson before moving on to the next one. You should also do your homework assignments carefully and get feedback from your instructor or a classmate. You should also watch some videos and read some articles related to Unit 2 topics to expand your knowledge and exposure to ASL.

  • Where can I buy Signing Naturally Unit 2 textbook?

You can buy Signing Naturally Unit 2 textbook from the official website of DawnSignPress or from other online retailers such as Amazon or eBay. You can also check your local library or bookstore if they have a copy of the textbook.

  • Is Signing Naturally Unit 2 hard?

Signing Naturally Unit 2 is not hard if you are motivated and interested in learning ASL. It is challenging but rewarding, as it will help you improve your ASL skills and communicate more effectively with deaf people. It will also introduce you to some aspects of deaf culture and history that will enrich your understanding of ASL.

  • What is the next unit after Signing Naturally Unit 2?

The next unit after Signing Naturally Unit 2 is Unit 3. This unit focuses on some more advanced topics and skills in ASL, such as making requests, giving directions, describing places, making plans, expressing opinions, giving advice, etc. It also introduces some more complex aspects of ASL grammar and vocabulary, such as negation, modals, topicalization, conditional clauses, etc.



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