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Owen Williams
Owen Williams

9 : Deadline VERIFIED

To be timely submitted, applications for deemed new products on the market as of August 8, 2016 must have been received by CTP by September 9, 2020. Although it is not always required*, FDA recommends electronic submissions in order to more efficiently transmit and receive applications. Given the file size of many applications, as well as the possibility of the system slowing due to many simultaneous users, FDA strongly encouraged manufacturers to submit their applications ahead of the September 9, 2020 deadline. The Agency also encourages applicants who plan on submitting applications for a large number of products to contact the Agency to discuss their plans and method of submission.

9 : Deadline

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The Los Angeles Lakers continued their roster remodel on trade deadline day by sending Thomas Bryant to the Denver Nuggets, per multiple reports. In the swap, the Lakers will receive three future second-round Draft picks and free up some frontcourt minutes for Jarred Vanderbilt, whom the team reportedly got in a trade on Wednesday.

If you complete your application by the priority deadline (November 1), you will receive an admission notification by February 1, 2023. This notification may be a final admission decision or a decision deferral to March 1, 2023.

Items must arrive in our office by the applicable deadline. When a deadline occurs on a Saturday or Sunday, the admissions application will remain open until 11:59 p.m. (Central) the following Monday.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced the Department is extending to March 9, 2022, the application deadline for funding to expand access to high-speed internet for millions of rural Americans nationwide. USDA is making the funding available under the ReConnect Program.

In addition to the eligibility requirements of exposure to toxic dust at a 9/11 crash site and the development of a covered illness or injury, there are important deadlines that determine whether or not you may still file a claim. These deadlines primarily apply to the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, the 9/11 benefits program that issues monetary compensation awards for the pain, suffering, and lost earnings caused by 9/11-related physical conditions.

The applicable deadline is the date by which the required forms must be submitted/uploaded to your online claim or postmarked (if sending by mail). If the date falls on a Sunday or a Federal Government holiday, the forms must be submitted/uploaded or postmarked by the next business day for a 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund claim are registration and filing deadlines.

The second deadline is the date by which you must fully file your completed forms and all required supporting documents. This date is the same for all claimants: October 1, 2090. If the government does not have everything it needs to process your claim by this date, it is possible your VCF claim will be denied or inaccurately calculated with no recourse.

In addition to the above deadlines, the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund has limited funding available. Compensation awards are currently being disbursed on a first-come, first-serve basis, with no plans for additional funding.

For more information about the 9/11 benefits deadlines of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund and the World Trade Center Health Program, contact the 911 compensation lawyers Pitta & Baione at 844-982-2667 or

Saying no makes the difference between a packed schedule and an open one. It makes the difference between having too many tasks and having just the right amount. It makes the difference between working crazy hours and hitting deadlines without stress.

I know that workplace expectations can vary, so depending on your job, you may not be able to use these strategies. But for those of you who have some latitude, consider these ways to push back on proposed deadlines.

If you get asked to do something small by today when in fact the deadline is somewhat arbitrary, counter with an alternate deadline. Even a day or two of margin can shift something from a frustration that keeps you at the office late to not a big deal:

The upcoming deadline does not apply to everyone. Anyone who becomes sick after July 29, 2019 has a two-year window after their condition is certified by the WTC Health Program to register. If a loved one dies from a 9/11-related condition after July 29, 2019, there is also a two-year window following the death date to register.

Every day, the attorneys at Hansen & Rosasco, LLP receive calls from people who lived or worked in Lower Manhattan (or from family members of people who have passed), or first responders, who want to know about the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) deadlines. These are important, and sometimes confusing, questions. Here are the current deadline rules:

If you think that you may have missed any VCF deadline, you should call us at 855-353-4907 us to find out if we can still successfully file a VCF claim for you, or if an exception or Special Master discretion may apply to your case. The key to opening a 9/11 VCF claim is Registering your claim Today!

In addition, the VCF Special Master may have discretion to excuse a missed two-year registration. Issues involving filing deadlines (and the possible exceptions) for deceased claims (on behalf of family members) are some of the more complex VCF claims and should be discussed with a 9/11 lawyer who understands the interplay between the VCF deadlines and the rights of 9/11 surviving families (estates).

The 9/11 lawyers at Hansen & Rosasco, LLP can help World Trade Center victims, including residents, workers, and first responders, file their VCF applications to meet the strict WTC VCF deadlines to increase the chances of a maximum victim compensation payout. Get started today by calling us at 855-839-2947 or filling out a contact form here for a FREE claim evaluation.

After the discounted Test Date Change deadline, you may continue to request Test Date Changes for the full registration fee of $215. Your request must be made by 11:59 p.m. (ET) the day before testing begins.

If you find you are unable to take the LSAT after the test date change and refund deadlines have passed, please withdraw your registration through your LSAC online account by 11:59 p.m. (ET), the day before you are scheduled to test. Withdrawing your registration will prevent an absentee notation from appearing on your LSAC file.

On November 15, 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a six-month extension of the deadline to comply with most provisions of its new Safeguards Rule. Covered "financial institutions" under the Safeguards Rule, which implements part of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), must now comply with the entire rule by June 9, 2023.

The FTC's commissioners voted unanimously to extend the compliance deadline. In explaining its decision, the FTC cited a report from the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy describing a shortage of qualified information security personnel and supply chain issues affecting IT and security systems, which could hamper companies' ability to comply with the new requirements.

  • A total of up to 2 Ms of NuSTAR Cycle 9 observing time will be made available for the Large Program (LP) category. The minimum total exposure time for LP proposals is 500 ks.

  • In addition to investigations utilizing NuSTAR observations only, proposals involving coordinated observations with the XMM-Newton observatory, NICER observatory, and/or Swift observatory can also be proposed during Cycle 9. Proposals for joint NuSTAR-XMM, NuSTAR-NICER or NuSTAR-Swift observations should be indicated by clicking the Joint proposal section of the ARK/RPS form, and inputting the requested XMM, NICER, and/or Swift exposure time in each target form.Proposers may submit the same proposal to XMM AO-22 and NuSTAR Cycle 9. However, the XMM-Newton AO-22 approved program will be taken into account during the NuSTAR Phase 1 review and duplicate observations of the same targets by NuSTAR will typically not be awarded. Similarly, Proposersmay submit the same proposal to Swift AO-19 and NuSTAR Cycle 9 as well as NICER AO-5 and NuSTAR Cycle 9. However, the Swift AO-19 and NICER AO-5 approved program will be taken into account during the NuSTAR Phase 1 review and duplicate observations of the same targets by NuSTAR will typically not be awarded. All joint time proposals need to include a NuSTARcomponent.

  • Joint proposals for NuSTAR observations with Chandra or INTEGRAL cannot be submitted in response to this AO. However, NuSTAR does have separate agreements with Chandra and INTEGRAL for coordinated observations. Please see the main Proposals and Tools page for more information.

  • Target of Opportunity (ToO) proposals will be accepted in response to this AO.

  • General Form To facilitate checking for conflicts of interest during the peer review process, the co-I's institution must be chosen from the menu (thereby enforcing a uniform set of names). Please check the list of institutions and contact the RPS team as soon as possible if your co-I's institution is not on thislist.

  • Up to 30 co-investigators can be entered into the RPS form. However, only the first 15 co-investigators will appear on the cover page PDF. The full list will be used by project personnel forconflict checking. Under the Dual Anonymous Proposal Review Procedurereviewers will not see any investigator names provided to ARK/RPS,unless they assess them after ranking the proposals (see the DAPRGuidelines). Please do not enter any investigator names in any ARK/RPScomment fields.

  • Target FormTime Constrained: A target is considered as "Time Constrained" if any of the following sections of the target form are marked as 'Yes': Position angle dependent

  • Moving Object

  • Monitoring Program

  • Phase Dependent

  • Date Constrained

  • Multi-year

  • See the NuSTAR RPS help page for more information about these fields. In addition, observations coordinated with other ground- or space-based observatories are considered as time constrained.Time-constrained observations designated Category A, B or L will be given highest priority for scheduling during Cycle 9 (or Cycle 9 and 10 for multi-year programs). Time-constrained observations of Category C targets will be executed on a best-effort basis and therefore should be scientifically justified if the time constraint is not satisfied. The time constraints for amulti-year program can occur in Cycle 9 and/or Cycle 10.Note that time-constrained Category A, B or L observations that are not part of a multi-year program and are not scheduled during Cycle 9 may be carried over to Cycle 10 where warranted by scientific or operational circumstances (e.g., in the case of coordinated observations with other space- or ground-based observatories). Category C time-constrained observations not scheduled during Cycle 9 will not be carried over to Cycle 10. Proposers should include a summary of details that are necessary for scheduling and observation planning (constraints,observing mode) in the Remarks box for each target.

  • Sources with fluxes &gt 10-11 ergs s-1 cm-2 within 5 of the target may cause increased non-uniform background gradients due to stray light. Users should check observations for potential stray light contributions using the tool that is available at the NuSTARSOC web site. If a field is designated as having a "Potential stray light issue", proposers should submit a request for a feasibility analysis to at least 2 business days prior to the proposal submission deadline.

  • The minimum exposure for NuSTAR targets is 20 ks. If the proposer is also requesting XMM, NICER, and/or Swift time, the minimum exposure times for these telescopes are 5 ks, 1 ks, and 1ks, respectively.

  • Estimated Count Rates: Expected total band (3-79 keV) count rate of the source in counts/second for both modules in a 50% PSF extraction with no deadtime.

  • Target of Opportunity (ToOs): A total of up to 1 Ms of NuSTAR Cycle9 observing time will be made available for proposals to observeToOs. Single-trigger ToOs that are part of a Large Program are notheld to a 1 Ms exposure time limit. Please note that regular ToOs do notcarry over into Cycle 10. Proposals with a preferred response time less than 48 hours will be evaluated based on the assumption that the minimum response time is 48 hours. A more rapid response time than 48 hours will be accommodated on a best-effort basis.For ToO observations that are to be triggered from a class of objects: Complete one target form per trigger only, specifying "0.0" for boththe R.A. and Dec. fields and providing a generic target name, and, ifapplicable, enter a list of potential target names in the ToO Remarksfield. If the list of targets is too long to fit in the TOO Remarksfield, include the list in the anonymizedScientific/Technical/Management section instead and put a note in the ToO Remarks to look there for the list. For ToO observations that are to be triggered from a list of specific named objects: Complete one target form per object and trigger criterion even if you ask for time for a subset only. For each ToO proposal the "Maximum Total Time Requested for ToOs" field must be provided. If you ask for time for a subset only, this number will be smaller than the automatically calculated summed exposure time for all target forms. Please note that it is the responsibility of the PI of anaccepted ToO proposal to alert the NuSTAR SOC when the triggerconditions for their accepted ToO have been satisfied (via _policy). For more details seeAO section 1.3.4.

After completing all fields for a proposal in ARK/RPS, use the Verify button to confirmthat all required entries exist and conform to the expected format.Forms that pass verification can then be submitted. ARK/RPS allowsPIs to continue to modify submitted proposalsuntil the deadline, so there is no penalty for submitting the proposalform early. 041b061a72


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